module GPhoto2::Camera::Capture

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def capture : CameraFile #
# Take a photo.
file = camera.capture

# And save it to the current working directory.

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def preview : CameraFile #

Captures a preview from the camera.

Previews are not stored on the camera but are returned as data in a GPhoto2::CameraFile.

# Capturing a preview is like using `Camera#capture`.
file = camera.preview

# The resulting file will have neither a folder nor name.
file.preview? # => true

# But it will contain image data from the camera. # => "\xFF\xD8\xFF\xDB\x00\x84\x00\x06..."

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def trigger : Nil #

Triggers a capture and immediately returns.

A camera trigger is the first half of a #capture. Instead of returning a GPhoto2::CameraFile, a trigger immediately returns and the caller has to poll for events.

event = camera.wait_for(:file_added) # => CameraFile

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