class GPhoto2::Port

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module GPhoto2::Struct(LibGPhoto2Port::GPPort)

ptr : Pointer(T) ptr, ptr? : Pointer(T) | Nil ptr?, to_unsafe : Pointer(T) to_unsafe, wrapped : T wrapped

Constructor methods inherited from module GPhoto2::Struct(LibGPhoto2Port::GPPort)

new(ptr : Pointer(T) | Nil = nil) new

Constructor Detail

def #

NOTE allocates memory.

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Instance Method Detail

def close : Nil #

Closes the port.

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def finalize #

Finalizes object by freeing allocated memory.

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def info : PortInfo #

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def info=(info : PortInfo) : PortInfo #

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def open : Nil #

Opens the port.

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def reset : Nil #

Resets the port.

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