class GPhoto2::CameraFile

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

BUFFER_SIZE = 256 * 1024

Initial buffer size used in #read.

PREVIEW_FILENAME = "capture_preview.jpg"

The preview data is assumed to be a jpg.


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module GPhoto2::Struct(LibGPhoto2::CameraFile)

ptr : Pointer(T) ptr, ptr? : Pointer(T) | Nil ptr?, to_unsafe : Pointer(T) to_unsafe, wrapped : T wrapped

Constructor methods inherited from module GPhoto2::Struct(LibGPhoto2::CameraFile)

new(ptr : Pointer(T) | Nil = nil) new

Constructor Detail

def : GPhoto2::Camera, folder : Nil | String = nil, name : Nil | String = nil) #

NOTE allocates memory.

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Class Method Detail

def self.join(*args : String) : String #

Returns a new string formed by joining the strings using /.

NOTE OS-independent substitute of File.join applicable to libgphoto2 fs.

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

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def close : Nil #

NOTE frees allocated memory.

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def data : Pointer(UInt8) #

Returns pointer file data.

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def delete : Nil #

Deletes file from the camera.

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def extension : String #

Returns file extension in lowercase (without leading dot).

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def finalize #

Finalizes object by freeing allocated memory.

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def folder : String #

Directory part of the file path.

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def folder? : String | Nil #

Directory part of the file path.

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def info : CameraFileInfo #

Returns an object containing information about the file.

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def name : String #

Filename part of the file path.

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def name? : String | Nil #

Filename part of the file path.

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def path : String #

Returns full file path (within the camera filesystem).

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def preview? #

Returns true if file is a preview.

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def read : Bytes #

Reads file directly from the camera.

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def save(path : String | Path = default_filename) : Nil #

Saves file #data at given pathname.

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def size : UInt64 #

Returns file size (in bytes).

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def to_s #

Returns file #path.

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def to_slice : Bytes #

Returns file #data as Bytes.

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